2. Functions

OneShot has several functions that perform all of the fitting and error analysis for a given image.

class oneshot.BeamlineScanFit(fitresults, spotexpected)

Bases: object

Simple class that stores fit results and expected spot size.


Fit results.


Expected RMS spot size.

class oneshot.ScanFit(eaxis, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: scisalt.scipy.LinLsqFit.LinLsqFit

Stores the results of the fit of a beamline scan.

(Note: Any beamline scan! Does not have to be an energy scan!)


The beam resulting from a fit.


Relativistic \gamma.


The emittance found by the scan fit.


The normalized emittance found by the scan fit.

class oneshot.findpinch(img, xbounds=None, ybounds=None, step=1)

Bases: object

New in version 0.2.

Finds the location of a bunch in an image img given bounds xbounds and ybounds by slicing image in strips of pixels step high.


An array of fit results.


The minimum of the fit.


Indices to use for fits.


Plots the fit.


The results of a polynomial fit of 2nd order.


The y pixel coordinate of the fits.


The x pixel minimum of the fit.


The number of pixels to sum together per row.


An array of the variances of fits.


The starting x coordinate for the fit window.


The ending x coordinate for the fit window.


The starting y coordinate for the fit window.


The ending y coordinate for the fit window.


The y coordinates.

oneshot.fitBeamlineScan(beamline, y, error=None, plot=False, eaxis=None)

Given a beamline and a set of RMS measurements y with measurement error, returns a beam’s parameters via oneshot.BeamlineScanFit.

  • plot: If true, shows a plot of the fit and the measurements.
  • eaxis: Gives an energy axis for y measurements.
oneshot.fitbowtie(beamline, x, y, T, twiss, emitx, error=None, verbose=False)

Deprecated since version 0.0.0.

I’m not really sure what this function does, but it’s not referenced anywhere else.

oneshot.getstd(res, h, xval)

Deprecated since version 0.0.0.

I’m not really sure what this function does, but it’s not referenced anywhere else.

oneshot.histcher(x, y, res)

Deprecated since version 0.0.0.

I’m not really sure what this function does, but it’s not referenced anywhere else.

oneshot.histenergy(x, d, res)

Deprecated since version 0.0.0.

I’m not really sure what this function does, but it’s not referenced anywhere else.

oneshot.plotfit(x, y, beta, X, top=None, bottom='Arbitrary', figpath=None, error=None, figlabel=None, axes=None, fontsize=None, **kwargs)

Deprecated since version 0.0.0.

I’m not really sure what this function does, but it’s not referenced anywhere else.

oneshot.tradquadscan(beamline, y, twiss, emitx, error=None, verbose=False)

Deprecated since version 0.0.0.

I’m not really sure what this function does, but it’s not referenced anywhere else.